my heart sides with 'destroy' / z moim sercem jest destroj


Perishability – a necessary element in beauty, reminding us of the transience of all things[1].

We are accustomed to the decorative function of jewelry. It is meant to adorn us, sometimes to reflect affluence, sometimes to add splendor and radiance. We want it to be beautiful and forever young – like ourselves. When it gets damaged, we intervene, we repair it to restore its original condition.
Apparently, long gone are the days when objects would accompany us for many years, as our talismans, witnesses to our history. We buy ever newer ones. They allow us to pretend that time stands still. We do not want to look at objects aging along with us, as they remind us of our own passing youth.

"Each object with which we have prolonged contact becomes, to some extent, a reflection of ourselves"[2]. But we are afraid of aging.

I oppose this way of thinking.
I want to overcome the desire to stop changes, the desire to halt the process of aging.
I want to allow jewelry to change with time, to remind us that we are impermanent and in perpetual process, that we ourselves have no constant form or content.

I have chosen the form of the sphere – perfect, finite. My spheres, however, are not ideal; in addition, I subject them to procedures that remove them ever further from perfection. The spheres are broken, bent. Their coatings are deliberately impermanent. Some I have already subjected to a degree of damage, others will only start decaying in the process of being worn. The color will gradually fade, revealing the layer underneath, creating new compositions independent of my design.

Paradoxically, these destructive actions create new qualities. By distorting the smooth surface of sheet metal, I obtain new forms; a faded color reveals another one hidden beneath it. To me, destruction is not annihilation, but value added to the object. This jewelry has no final form. It is always undergoing mutation – as are we.

This exercise in accepting change, although intentional and to some extent controlled, is nevertheless a challenge – an attempt to confront our attachment to that which is beautiful, young and unblemished.

My heart sides with 'destroy'. The sense of perishability – and the ensuing destruction – is in my heart; it is my companion.

Zofia Lisiewicz

*The title alludes to the song "Z sercem destroj" by the Polish band 19 Wiosen, from their album “11 zim”.

[1]Keene D., 'Japanese aesthetics', [in:] Philosophy East and West 19/3 (Symposium on Aesthetics East and West), 1969, p. 293-306.
[2]Wallis M., 'O przedmiotach estetycznie brzydkich' ('On aesthetically ugly objects'), [in:] Wybór pism estetycznych, TAiPWN Universitas, Kraków, 2004, p. 31.

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